* Hematite balances the meridians, restore peace and harmony to the body. Beneficial for legal situations, supports timid women, boost self-esteem and survivability, enhances willpower, reliability and confidence. It is effective at grounding and very protective, and stimulates concentration and focus, enhances memory and helps to sort out problems of all kind, useful for the study of mathematics and technical subjects
* Black Spinel boosts stamina, protects and earths energy to balance the rise of the kundalini.
Size of Anklet : 25cm extendable by 2.5cm
We used :2.5mm Faceted Hematite Beads with Faceted Teardrop Spinel Charm.
Best worn on : Both legs (wear on different leg on alternate day)
Note: Due to the natural characteristics of the crystal and wood, the beads may vary slightly in color and pattern compared to the picture displayed. Also, the colour may vary depending on the specific monitor, the settings and the lighting conditions.